22 April 2007

Happy Earth Day

SunSign Bling--The Hottest! Happy Earth day! Sun moved into Taurus today, the first of the Earth signs. It's very ironical though that Earth Day falls on the first day that Sun enters Taurus. Yes, Taurus is an Earth sign, ruled by Venus, but has absolutely no association with ecology. Rather, it's the sign of materialism, comfort, and financial ability--not particularly ecology-friendly attributes. The Astrological Sign associated with Nature and ecology is Sagittarius, a fire sign, also associated with Philosophy, Higher Learning, and Faith. Big, jolly Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius; and guess what, Jupiter is now at home in Sagittarius for some time to come. But, the real kicker is the fact that today, Earth Day, there are planets in all of the Fire Signs at favorable angles with Jupiter. Mercury, planet of communication, short distance travel, and intelligence, is in aggressive, me-first Aries. Saturn, planet of restrictions, duty, nose-to-the grindstone, do-or-die is in authoritative, love-the-lime-light Leo. Three planets in the same element, in this case fire, action, each at about the same degree gives us a Grand Trine. A Grand Trine is a very positive influence, balancing the best qualities of the signs and planets. As if all of this is not enough, Pluto, the power planet, big-time karma, kick-you-where-it-hurts-when-you-need-it, is also in Sagittarius -- ever wonder about all the natural disasters and religious fanaticism the past few years? Humm...this Earth Day just may be one to remember. Even Google's Home Page has an ecological theme today. Guess there's just no fooling Mother Nature! Onward & Upward

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